| Giggles74874: talk n here drummergurl1087: S drummergurl1087: HI drummergurl1087: WOAH, WHY IS THERE AN S THERE Giggles74874: i duno drummergurl1087: ODD drummergurl1087: WISCO drummergurl1087: NSON drummergurl1087: ? Giggles74874: huh? drummergurl1087: NEVERMND Giggles74874: ok drummergurl1087: ... drummergurl1087: THIS IS............FUN Giggles74874: not really! drummergurl1087: THA'TS Y I PUT THE ..........THERWE drummergurl1087: THERE&* drummergurl1087: * drummergurl1087: I CANT THYPE drummergurl1087: AS YOU CAN C drummergurl1087: I HOPE YOU'RE TLAKIN TO OTHER PEEPS TOO Giggles74874: lol drummergurl1087: SO I'M NOT BORIN YA Giggles74874: lol Giggles74874: aha ur funny drummergurl1087: THANX drummergurl1087: :-) Giggles74874: lol drummergurl1087: WHAT IS SO FUNNY? drummergurl1087: THIS HAPPENS TO ME A LOT, PPL LAUGH AT ME FOR NO REASON? Giggles74874: nothign drummergurl1087: IS THAT A BAD THIGN? Giggles74874: no its good drummergurl1087: JEAH drummergurl1087: SOME TIMES MIKE RANDOMLY SAYS THAT MY FACE IS FUNNY, THEN SCROUNGES FOR AN EXCUSE FOR SAYIN TAHT drummergurl1087: WARNING, MIKE IS BOUT TO INVITE YOU Giggles74874: no! drummergurl1087: SIGN OFF NOW! drummergurl1087: HEHE drummergurl1087: PLUS, EVERYONE LEFT BUT MIKE AND ME, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Giggles74874: lol drummergurl1087: :-$ drummergurl1087: WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? Giggles74874: i duno drummergurl1087: OK drummergurl1087: I'M TRYIN TO FIGURE OUT WHAT RANDOM OUT OF THE BLUE THING I CAN SAY drummergurl1087: I FIND SENIOR CITIZEN MEN ATTRACTIVE Giggles74874: hwta Giggles74874: what!?!?!??!!?!??!?!?! drummergurl1087: HAHAHAH Giggles74874: hahahahah! drummergurl1087: SOMETHIN RANDOM AND OUT OF THE BLUE Giggles74874: lol omg, hat scared the shit out of me! drummergurl1087: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA drummergurl1087: I'M JJ OF COURSE drummergurl1087: WASNT' THAT FUN........... drummergurl1087: I LIKE TO EAT GIANT BLOBS OF EAR WAX! drummergurl1087: IN SHOCK? Giggles74874: ugh drummergurl1087: I'M JJ AGAIN Giggles74874: lol drummergurl1087: ........ drummergurl1087: newa drummergurl1087: i will stop scaring ya Giggles74874: thx drummergurl1087: jeah........ drummergurl1087: i like to do ........... drummergurl1087: who's that girl, lalalalalalalla, eve's that girl, lalalalalalal Giggles74874: lol drummergurl1087: uh hu drummergurl1087: hmmm, shall i im robin drummergurl1087: prolly not drummergurl1087: i'd scare her drummergurl1087: actually, that might be hard drummergurl1087: ? drummergurl1087: fall asleep? drummergurl1087: go home? drummergurl1087: or, away? drummergurl1087: today, i'm gonna say you.......................hmmmmmmmmm, ....................accidentally closed this box, and couldnt' figure out how to start it again drummergurl1087: sounds realistic doenst' it? drummergurl1087: ok, i think i will pretend you got abducted by aliens drummergurl1087: I FIND SENIOR CITIZEN WOMEN ATTRACTIVE!!!!!!!!???????? drummergurl1087: :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-!:-!:-[O:-):-\ :'(:-X:-D drummergurl1087: you're borin me more than usual drummergurl1087: ok, my new theory is that you accidentally drank 5 gallons of tomato juice and you cant type drummergurl1087: well, that was dandy drummergurl1087: what other insane and impossible stuff could be your excuse this time drummergurl1087: just so you knwo, i saved this convo, and i'm gonna put it on my site drummergurl1087: ladedadedalalallada drummergurl1087: >:o drummergurl1087: i'm almost aggrevated, it that's believable drummergurl1087: does julie andrews act anymore, or is she dead? drummergurl1087: how come there is a sudden outburst of songs with babies playin xylophones in the background drummergurl1087: ja rule, who cannot sing by the way drummergurl1087: 2 other songs drummergurl1087: i've come upon a revelation drummergurl1087: .................. drummergurl1087: YOU WERE ATTACKED AND KILLED BY A PACK OF RABID MAN EATING SLOTHS!!!!!!!!!!111 drummergurl1087: OK, I'LL CALL 911!!!!!!!11 drummergurl1087: OMG, WOW, OOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 drummergurl1087: YOU TALKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 drummergurl1087: oh, no wait, i was seein things drummergurl1087: wait, i KNOW this is what happened to ya drummergurl1087: you were somhow transported to arabia, where you lived for 30 years, then came back, and now you dont speak english drummergurl1087: oh, but that's unrealistic drummergurl1087: sarcastic tone drummergurl1087: hello, is your name melvin, oh sorry, wrong box drummergurl1087: fritter drummergurl1087: (little music notes that are only on hotmail) my body is longing to hold you (music not) drummergurl1087: well, this is quite fun drummergurl1087: now that we haven't talked for about 15 min drummergurl1087: actually, more like 30 drummergurl1087: ooh, the pack closes in to feed.......... drummergurl1087: on the sick and elderly drummergurl1087: suddenly a weak one goes down......... drummergurl1087: NOOOO, MY GRANDMA!!!!!!!1 drummergurl1087: did you know i have a metal plate inmy head, i can get q96 during school drummergurl1087: lets see, what other stuff coudl have happened to ya drummergurl1087: a hurricane! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto response from Giggles74874: BRB! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drummergurl1087: hahahahahah drummergurl1087: i'm just makin it good for my site drummergurl1087: i've given up on you drummergurl1087: hmmmm, what can i say, i think you are getting bored drummergurl1087: HEY, LETS CUT OFF ALL OUR HAIR, AND BE BALD TOGETHER!!!!!!!! drummergurl1087: ok, this came up in another convo, dont ya think the word lesbiany is funny? drummergurl1087: yesterday, i ate a raisin i found on the ground at the park drummergurl1087: it was sandy drummergurl1087: and crunchy drummergurl1087: and old drummergurl1087: and squishy drummergurl1087: but it was good, i had 2 drummergurl1087: fish pj's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto response from Giggles74874: im going to throw up my pudding! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drummergurl1087: hahaha drummergurl1087: ahhhhhhhhhh, ,YOU ARE THERE drummergurl1087: UNLES YOU WOULD HAVE THROWN UP YOUR PUDDING WITHOUT ME TELLINYA ABOUT MY RAISINS, AND THAT WAS JUST A CLINKYDINK drummergurl1087: from now one i'm callin ya "ms. auto-responce" drummergurl1087: SOMEONE ON MARTHA STEWART LAID THE SMACK DOWN ON HER FOR MAKIN HER OWN MARSHMELLOWS TODAY!!!!!!! drummergurl1087: IT WAS HILARIOUS drummergurl1087: did you knwo martha stewart is an alchoholic drummergurl1087: she puts alchohol in EVERYTHING she cooks drummergurl1087: i dont think this counts as coming RIGHT back drummergurl1087: i wonder if the coors will ever sign a deal with coors beer drummergurl1087: that would be nifty drummergurl1087: you know that song, "there's a stranger in my house", well, what i wanna know is, how could you be like kissin a dude that you dont knwo, and not know you dont knwo him? drummergurl1087: am i just comfused, of is that what she's sayin drummergurl1087: ok, now that i keep gettin autoresponces from you, that seem to relate to what i'm sayin, but i'm not sure, i think you were somehow turned into a computer, and are battling and evil virsu, so you can't takl to me drummergurl1087: i'm talkin to claire's dad online drummergurl1087: it's odd drummergurl1087: stampede Giggles74874 signed off at 10:10:18 PM. drummergurl1087: CHICKEN FART! |