Here is a foundation i felt i needed to make everyone aware of. It is a foundation from the University of South Carolina, and the accelerated biology students there are working on project that involves the Bermuda Salt Water Squid. They have come into contact with biology students at a Unviversity in Sweden. The students in Sweden were dissecting a Bermuda Salt Water Squid when they found a gland containing elements never recorded before. They tested these elements, and found that they could provide a cure for the illusive mad cow disease. Unfortunatly, the government in Sweden also tested these chemicals, and concluded they were harmful, and made it illegal for the students to continue testing. The students in South Carolina are interested in studying the squids, and would like to make it legal for the students in Sweden to study them. However, they do not have enough funding to do both. If you would like to pledge at least $1,000, click on the link below. Or if you have any legal experience at all, you can also go there. If you cannot pledge $1,000 dollars, that's not ok, but go there anyway, it is very interesting, and you can learn a lot of extremely useful info about the Bermuda Salt Water Squid. |