on this page i will teach you to do an irish jig, and will also say a funny thing about my mom (wow, the first one)!. ok, to teach you the irish jig, i will list the steps, and yes, irish jigs are hopping around on one foot. 1. first, put you right arm above your head. 2. put your left arm by your stomach. 3. lift up one leg and cross it over your other leg, it doesn't matter which one you use. 4. hop around on one foot, i guess in a jig manner, and no i don't know what a jig manner is, just guess. 5. now stick out your and cross your eyes. 6. stare and feel stupid as people point and laugh because you are sticking out your tongue and crossing your eyes while hopping around on one leg. no really, the first 5 steps are authentic, according to my mom, which you will find scary after i tell you this next thingy.......... |